West-Palearctic and tropical Bivalves, with emphasis on Mytilidae, Pectinidae, Mactridae and Veneridae. Taxa: Arcoida, Myoida, Mytiloida, Nuculoida, Ostreoida, Pholadomyoida, Pterioida, Solemyoida, Trigonioida, Veneroida. Important collection West-Palearctic marine Gastropods and micromollusks, as well as a representative collection non-West-Palearctic gastropods. Representative collection of European land- en freshwater snails. Taxa: Caenogastropoda, Cocculiniformia, Heterobranchia, Neritimorpha, Opistobranchia, Patellogastropoda, Pulmonata, Vetigastropoda. The Polyplacophora collection holds the private collection of Frans J.A. Slieker, author of 'Chitons of the World' (2000) and is the second largest in the Netherlands after the collection of the 'Nederlands Centrum voor Biodiversiteit Naturalis (Leiden)'. Emphasis on West-Palearctic species. Taxa: Leptochitonidae, Hanleyidae, Mopaliidae, Ischnochitonidae, Schizochitonidae, Chitonidae, Cryptoplacidae, Acanthochitonidae. Representative collection West-Palearctic scaphopoda. Small, but representative collection of non-West-Palearctic species. Taxa: Gadilinidae, Dentaliidae, Fustiariidae, Laevidentaliidae, Entalinidae, Pulsellidae, Gadalidae. Important collections of Eocene (Paris Basin), Miocene (Winterswijk, Miste, Dingden) and Pliocene/Pleistocene mollusks (Westerschelde, de Kaloot, Antwerp Harbour). Taxa: Arcoida, Caenogastropoda, Cocculiniformia, Dentaliida, Gadilida, Heterobranchia, Myoida, Mytiloida, Neritimorpha, Nuculoida, Opistobranchia, Ostreoida, Patellogastropoda, Pholadomyoida, Pterioida, Pulmonata, Sepiida, Veneroida, Vetigastropoda.
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座標(緯度経度) | 南 西 [-90, -180], 北 東 [90, 180] |