Muskrat trapping data in the Netherlands 1965 – 1986

Versão mais recente published by Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF) on mar. 6, 2023 Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF)
Publication date:
6 de março de 2023
CC0 1.0

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Trapped muskrats in the Netherlands have been manually registered at municipal and provincial level since 1941, from 1987 they have been registered on atlas blocks (5 x 5 km) and from 2014 this is done with a smartphone at the trap location. The years of registration have yielded a valuable dataset that has been used in multiple studies.

The trapping data is in multiple GBIF datasets with different accuracies: -> MICA - Muskrat and coypu occurrences collected by UVW in the Netherlands (from 2014), data per trapped animal with exact location and date ( -> Muskrat trapping data in the Netherlands 1987 – 2014, data on atlasblock level per period of four weeks (this dataset) -> Muskrat trapping data in the Netherlands 1964 – 1986, data on province level per year (to be delivered) -> Muskrat trapping data in the Netherlands 1941 – 1963, data at municipality level per year (to be delivered) -> Coypu trapping data in the Netherlands 1988 – 2013, data at organization level per year (to be delivered)

Registros de Dados

Os dados deste recurso de ocorrência foram publicados como um Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), que é o formato padronizado para compartilhamento de dados de biodiversidade como um conjunto de uma ou mais tabelas de dados. A tabela de dados do núcleo contém 243 registros.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


A tabela abaixo mostra apenas versões de recursos que são publicamente acessíveis.


Pesquisadores devem respeitar a seguinte declaração de direitos:

O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF). To the extent possible under law, the publisher has waived all rights to these data and has dedicated them to the Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Users may copy, modify, distribute and use the work, including for commercial purposes, without restriction.

GBIF Registration

Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: cc4385fa-af82-4a64-9d3e-b48e3006ae1e.  Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF) publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility.


Occurrence; Observation


Dolf Moerkens
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • Originador
  • Ponto De Contato
  • Policy advisor
Unie van Waterschappen
  • Koningskade 40
NL-2596 AA Den Haag
  • +31.6.53334668
Peter Blanker
  • Originador
  • Policy advisor
Waterschap Scheldestromen
  • Kanaalweg 1
NL-4337PA Middelburg
  • +31.6.5310445
Jeroen Creuwels
  • Originador
  • Data manager
  • PO Box 9517
NL-2300 RA Leiden
  • +31.71.7519362
Niels Raes
  • Processador
  • Node manager
  • PO Box 9517
NL-2300 RA Leiden
  • +31.71.7519362

Cobertura Geográfica

The Netherlands

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [50,709, 3,274], Norte Leste [53,606, 7,306]

Cobertura Taxonômica

The target species for this dataset is Ondatra zibethicus.

Reino Animalia
Filo Vertebratae
Class Mammalia
Ordem Rodentia
Família Cricetidae

Métodos de Amostragem

Only trapped (dead) muskrats were registered

Área de Estudo The Netherlands
Controle de Qualidade Trapping is carried out by professional trappers

Descrição dos passos do método:

  1. Data are collected in the field by specialized trappers, using the predefined sampling protocol.
  2. Data from 1987-2014 are registered in atlas blocks (5 x 5 km). All data are aggregated in 13 four-weeks' time periods each year and entered in an Excel spreadsheet.
  3. An R script script is created to transform the original data structure into a single occurrence format with one value per time period per atlas block each year. Only values for atlas blocks with a number for trapped muskrats remained (299K records i.e. 64% of all records).
  4. In R geographic coordinates and accuracy are added, based on atlas block indexes, and the time periods are to rewritten into an eventDate format with a begin and an end date.
  5. The output is an DarwinCore occurrence file, which is uploaded via the NLBIF IPT and documented with metadata.

Citações bibliográficas

  1. Beheer van de Muskusrat in Nederland. Synthese van een grootschalige veldproef en parallelle studies
  2. Technische rapportage "objectbescherming en analyse van ontwikkelingen in de proefuurhokken"
  3. Toekomst van het muskusrattenbeheer in Nederland. De mogelijkheden onderzocht
  4. Cost-Benefit analysis of invasive muskrat control in The Netherlands: Complete removal as financially rational strategy
  5. A Large‐Scale Experiment to Evaluate Control of Invasive Muskrats
  6. Damage to dykes and levees in the ­ Netherlands is extensive and increases with muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) density
  7. Evidence for the effectiveness of controlling muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus L.) populations by trapping
  8. Intensieve bestrijding van muskusrat en nutria in Nederland. Ervaring gebaseerd op jarenlange controle en onderzoek
  9. A historical perspective on the effects of trapping and controlling the muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) in The Netherlands

Metadados Adicionais

Identificadores alternativos cc4385fa-af82-4a64-9d3e-b48e3006ae1e