Xeno-canto (XC) is an online database that provides access to sound recordings of wildlife from around the world. The recordings are shared by a growing community of thousands of recordists from around the world, amateurs and professionals alike. The aim of Xeno-canto is to eventually represent sounds of all animals, meaning of all taxa, to subspecies level, of their complete repertoire, with all of the geographic variability, at all stages of development.
The website of Xeno-canto (www.xeno-canto.org) was launched in 2005, and initially focussed on Neotropical birds. The scope of Xeno-canto is gradually widening. It is run by the Xeno-canto Foundation for Nature Sounds in The Netherlands, with support from Naturalis Biodiversity Center.
Please note that the Xeno-canto dataset shared on GBIF is currently a subset of the entire XC collection that is available on www.xeno-canto.org. Only the recordings by recordists who have given their permission to share recording metadata with GBIF are shared at the moment. We expect the dataset to increase over time, as more recordists give permission to share data with GBIF.
此資源出現紀錄的資料已發佈為達爾文核心集檔案(DwC-A),其以一或多組資料表構成分享生物多樣性資料的標準格式。 核心資料表包含 9,445 筆紀錄。
亦存在 1 筆延伸集的資料表。延伸集中的紀錄補充核心集中紀錄的額外資訊。 每個延伸集資料表中資料筆數顯示如下。
此 IPT 存放資料以提供資料儲存庫服務。資料與資源的詮釋資料可由「下載」單元下載。「版本」表格列出此資源的其它公開版本,以便利追蹤其隨時間的變更。
Vellinga, W.P., Planque, R. & Xeno-canto foundation (2005- ), Xeno-canto - wildlife sounds from around the world. GBIF subset, accessed at ....
此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Xeno-canto Foundation for Nature Sounds。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.
此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 110fd314-e124-40f5-b607-b59392be37f6。 Xeno-canto Foundation for Nature Sounds 發佈此資源,並經由Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。
aves, birds, bird sounds, orthoptera, orthoptera sounds, animalia, animal sounds, wildlife sounds; occurrence; Observation; Occurrence; Observation
- 連絡人
- 連絡人
- Chair
- 連絡人
- admin
- Data manager
- Node manager
界定座標範圍 | 緯度南界 經度西界 [-90, -180], 緯度北界 經度東界 [90, 180] |
Aves (taxonomy based on IOC World Bird List), Orthoptera (taxonomy based on Orthoptera Species File).
Class | Aves (Birds) |
Order | Orthoptera (Grasshoppers) |
彙整期間 | 1900-current |
In dit project wordt de website en database van www.xeno-canto.org gereed gemaakt voor sprinkhaangeluiden. De sprinkhaangeluiden worden op GBIF gepubliceerd, via de eerder met hulp van NLBIF gerealiseerde publicatieroute die gebruik maakt van de infrastructuur van Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Het project levert een infrastructuur op waarmee later ook geluiden van bijvoorbeeld zoogdieren en amfibieën kunnen worden ontsloten. Hiermee zet Xeno-Canto een belangrijke stap naar een hoogwaardig wereldwijd platform voor een gemeenschap gewijd aan natuurgeluiden.
計畫名稱 | Van Acheta tot zoemertje: Sprinkhaangeluiden op Xeno-Canto en GBIF |
辨識碼 | nlbif2020.004 |
經費來源 | Transfer of metadata to GBIF has been in large part funded by NLBIF in projects Natu161220is01 and nlbif2020.004. |
品質控管 | Identifications of recordings are subject to crowdsourced validation by the Xeno-canto community. Identifications can be discussed and flagged for review. When this is the case, the identification status is indicated in the occurrence data. |
- Vellinga, W.P. & R. Planque (2015). CLEF2015 Working Notes, CEUR Workshop proceedings Vol-1391.
- Vellinga, W.P., B. Planque, S. Pieterse & J. Jongsma (2017). www.xeno-canto.org: a decade on. Neotropical Birding 21: 40-47.